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Compton Unified School District is excited to offer all students in K – 8thgrade an opportunity to join the Compton Unified School District After School Program.  The after school program is a state funded afterschool enrichment program which provides opportunities for students to increase their academic achievement, find or broaden their interests in visual and performing arts and keep them physically and socially involved in positive productive activities.  There will be no cost to anyone enrolled in the program.

 Parents/Guardians/Students can enroll in the after school program by completing an application and returning it to the main office at their school site.  Applications are available at the New Student Orientation Center at 417 Alondra Blvd, Compton, CA and in the Main Office of all elementary and middle schools.   


Enrollment:  Enrollment is limited.  Our hope is to be able to service all students wishing to participate in the after school program.  Registration will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.  Children who register after program enrollment is reached will be placed on a waiting list.

Homework:  Children will have an opportunity to complete assigned homework in accordance with CUSD grade level guidelines on appropriate homework time increments.  The after school program does not guarantee that all homework will be completed.

Attendance:  Regular attendance is important.  Children who have three (3) unexcused absences in a given month or are picked up early on regular basis (more than 2 days per month, every week on the same day, ect.), will be asked to leave the program to make room for children on the waiting list.  Students can only attend the after school program when they attend school.  Children are expected to stay for the entire program every day.  Excused absences include illness and occasional appointments. 

 Late Pick-up:  Children must be picked-up promptly at the end of the program day.  If by the end of the day your child has not been picked up, the Site Coordinator and/or School Principal will try to contact you and/or those individuals designated as emergency contacts.  If no one comes to pick up your student, it will then be necessary to contact the Compton Unified School District Police Department who will take temporary custody of the child.  Three “late-pick-ups” will result in your child being removed from the program.

 Program Schedule: The program will begin on the first day of school and end on the last day of school.  Students will attend the after school program from 2:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily, except on Wednesdays when the program will run from 1:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Students should be picked up from the program between 5:45 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.  Students participating in the after school program must be signed out by an individual listed on the application form.  All individuals assigned to pick up a student in the after school program must be over 18 years of age.  With parents consent and a written agreement, middle school students can elect to walk home at the conclusion of the program.

 Discipline:  Participation in the after school program is a privilege.  A student must follow the rules of the program.  Disruptive or disrespectful behavior towards other students or program staff will not be tolerated.  Students who consistently fail to follow the program rules will be dismissed from the program.  We encourage you to discuss concerns about your child’s behavior with the School Site Coordinator.

 Parent Agreement:  In order for students to participate in the after school program, it is necessary that parents understand and agree to the guidelines of the program and support the program staff as they implement the program daily for the students of Compton Unified School District.  


  Lupe Thompson   Staff