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General Information


As we work together, we will strive to provide our students with an outstanding education to help them achieve their highest academic potential.  We will work cooperatively and collaboratively with you, the parents throughout the school year to make sure that the learning environment is safe, secure, and conducive to learning.

 If you ever need to speak with your child’s teacher, please make an appointment either before or after instructional time as classes will not be interrupted.   Also, all teachers are available during their preparation time for parent conferences.  As always, our door is open, and we are readily available to answer your questions and assist you with your concerns. Please feel free to contact us at (310) 898-6010.


The district has designed a new enrollment form.  The form is very comprehensive and includes important information concerning your student.  The form must be filled out completely and accurately.  HOME, BUSINESS AND EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS MUST BE CORRECT.  We cannot ensure your student’s safety without correct emergency information.  All students (new and returning) must have CURRENT enrollment forms on file in the school office.  Parents and guardians, please note that your child is not officially enrolled until the enrollment forms have been completed and returned to the school.  An enrollment package will be given to all students by their classroom teachers and the packets need to be returned to the teacher as soon as possible.  Please notify our office immediately in the event that your address or phone number changes.                    


If your student does not return home from school at a predetermined time, please call the office immediately.  If the school has closed, please call the School Police at (310) 604-6578 or the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department at (310) 605-5600.


You are welcome to visit Bunche Middle School and your child’s classroom at any time.  First you must stop by the office for a 20 minute pass. Visitors are required to return the pass to the office at the end of the visit. However, a conference requires an appointment.  Please call the office and arrange for a time when you can meet with your child’s teacher to discuss concerns about your child’s progress.  Conferences will be held either before school (7:30 a.m. – 7:50 a.m.) or during the teacher’s preparation time. You are welcome to conference with the principal whenever you have a concern that has not been resolved at the classroom level.

School starts at 8:00 a.m. and your child must be lined up at their assigned class at 7:55 a.m. to ensure that they are on time. Remember that attendance is very important and your child must be at school every day and on time!                                                     

EVERY WEDNESDAY, STUDENTS WILL BE RELEASED EARLY! YOU MUST BE ON TIME TO PICK UP YOUR STUDENT! IF AN EMERGENCY ARISES AND YOU NEED A FEW EXTRA MINUTES, PLEASE CONTACT OUR SCHOOL SECRETARY AT 310-898-6010and let her know when you will arrive.  If you do not pick up your students at the close of the instructional day, your student can be taken to the Compton School Police Department at 500 N. Santa Fe Avenue.                                                                                                                  

Breakfast is served daily from 7:30 a.m. to 7:55 a.m. Please make sure your child is on time to receive breakfast.  It is very important that every child has something nutritious to eat every morning.  All students will receive lunch at their assigned time.


Research states that regular school attendance will enhance the normal progress of students.  Therefore, it is imperative that students attend school daily, and are on time. Whenever students are absent from school, a note explaining the reason for the absence must be sent on the day the student returns to school.  Please arrange for doctors appointments after school hours.  

School begins at 8:00.  If you are late to class or have excessive absences, you will be required to attend Saturday School from 8-12 p.m.


Tardiness is disruptive to the instructional program.  Please do everything possible to see that students arrive on time.  Students must secure an admittance pass from the attendance office when arriving late. Therefore, parents/guardians please write a tardy excuse.


Breakfast and lunch are served every day to the students.  Proper nutrition is an important factor in contributing to the academic success of your children in school.  Nutrition is also a part of the educational program that your children will receive and we hope that this would be extended to their home life as well.  Healthy diets make for a healthy student.


The district has adopted a bar coding system for all textbooks in the Compton Unified School District.  All books will have a special code for identification. It is critical that this strict accountability for textbooks be established.  You will be receiving a letter which you must sign before your child receives textbooks.  Parents and students are responsible for books that are lost or damaged.  Please discuss the importance of this responsibility with your child.


Homework contributes to student success and achievement of class/course objectives.  Also, homework promotes self-reliance and self-discipline.  Homework assignments will be meaningful and purposeful and will reflect the skills/concepts being taught in the classroom.  Homework will be given Monday through Friday.  A homework responsibility letter will be sent home in September. Please read, sign and return the form as soon as possible. 

The parent’s responsibilities are to:

  • provide adequate supervision while homework assignments are being done.
  • provide a quiet work space.

The student’s responsibilities are to:

  • Take all homework assignments home and inform parents about the homework.
  • Complete the homework neatly and return the homework to the teacher.

If you have more concerns or questions on the homework policy, you may wish to speak directly to your child’s teacher.