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Hours Of Operation


Students should arrive no earlier than 7:30 a.m.  Breakfast is from 7:30 a.m. until 7:55 a.m.  Students must be on time and in the classroom to begin instruction at 8:00 a.m. Daily dismissal is at 2:45 p.m.  (WEDNESDAY DISMISSAL IS 1:30 P.M. FOR EARLY RELEASE DAY).  It is imperative that the students are picked up on time.  However, please do not pick-up your children before the end of the assigned school day.  This jeopardizes the students’ education and they are not fulfilling the number of minutes required by the state for promotion to the next grade. 

NO supervision is provided for students after school hours unless they are in a special after school program.  PLEASE DO NOT DOUBLE PARK ON OR AROUND THE SCHOOL CAMPUS during dismissal.  This is an extremely dangerous practice for all students and parents.  Please park your car across the street. DO NOT park in front of the school or in the school bus parking area.  Please take the time to walk across the street, pick up your student and walk him/her safely back across the street.  Please be considerate of other vehicles when coming or leaving the school, especially during the dismissal time.

                         2017/2018 SCHOOL YEAR BELL SCHEDULE

School begins - 8:00 a.m.

Warning Bell   - 7:50 a.m.

Dismissal for ALL STUDENTS – 2:45 p.m.

Lunch   12:20 p.m. – 1:05 p.m.



Please stop in the office for a student release form during school hours.   Teachers are not permitted to release students for any reason.  Parents must meet the student in the office before departure from the school.  The office will notify the teacher.  Please note that anyone (including parents) MUST have a valid photo ID when picking up a student for early release. This policy is for the safety of the student so that no one is taken from the school by anyone except parents and those designated by the parent in the event of an emergency. The name of the designee must be on both the Enrollment form and Emergency Form.  Students are not allowed to leave with anyone under the age of eighteen.  If a sibling is sent to pick up a student, their name must be on both forms. Make sure all people who will be picking up your student are on the Enrollment Form and Emergency Form.  Students will not bereleased to anyone whose name is not recorded on these forms and does not present IDNo student will be called out of class after 2:30 on regular days and fifteen minutes prior to the last bell on early release days.  Please abide by these policies to ensure the safety of all students.